The Refund Transfer is an optional tax refund-related bank product offered by Pathward, N.A., Member FDIC. The Refund Transfer is not a loan. E-filing of tax return is required to be eligible for this product. Subject to approval.Fees apply. See terms and conditions for details.
To calculate your estimated tax preparation cost:
• 1st determine your Federal BASE form – ie form 1040 for individuals
• 2nd ADD your cost for Income forms (Common, Investment, Retirement,
and Other Income)
• 3rd ADD cost of Tax Schedules, Deduction forms received, Worksheets,
Deductions from tax forms needed to complete return, including Business
Deductions, Credits, and OTHER miscellaneous forms
• 4th calculate cost for State(s): NJ, NY, Other state(s) and their needed
Note: All Prices subject to change
Coupon valid at participating U.S. offices and through Wraga Tax and Financial Services for an original personal or business income tax return for new clients only. Void if transferred and where prohibited. Coupon must be presented prior to completion of initial tax office interview. A new client is an individual who did not use Wraga Tax and Financial Services to prepare his or her tax return in the prior tax year.
Use to report income or (loss) from a business you operated or
a profession you practiced as a sole proprietor, contract laborer,
independent contractor or LLC. Also, use Schedule C to report
(a) wages and expenses you had as a statutory employee;
(b) income and deductions of certain qualified joint ventures; and
( c) certain amounts shown on a Form 1099, such as Form
1099-MISC, Form 1099-NEC, and Form 1099-K.
(Interest, Dividends, Capital Gains, etc.)
(Interest, Dividends, Capital Gains, etc.)
Tax Preparation Fees listed above are for base form price only.
See below for additional fees, including Advisory Worksheets fees.
* If you have a consolidated form 1099, fees apply for each separate 1099B transaction type $ 12.00
Alaska Permanent Fund dividends
Health insurance premiums self-employed workers
HSA contributions
Net operating loss
Olympic and Paralympic medals and USOC prize money
Prizes and awards
Stock options
Other Income
Other Adjustments
Adoption credit
Child Tax Credit
Child & Dependent Care Tax Cr
Clean vehicle credit
Earned Income Credit – EITC
Education Credit
• American Opportunity Tax Cr
• Life Time Learning Credit
Electric Vehicle Credits
Family and Dependent Credits
Foreign tax credit
Income and Savings Credits
Health Care Credits
• Small Business
Homeowner Credits
Premium Tax Credit
Qualified electric vehicle credit
Residential energy efficient property credit
Retirement savings contributions
Other nonrefundable credits
Any Other Credit NOT listed above
• Automobile Expense deductions for actual auto expenses or standard
mileage expense for:
• Business
• Rental real estate
• Medical mileage
• Charitable Volunteer mileage
• Business Use of Home deduction
• Business income, expenses, and deductions
• Decedents Estate calculation of assets, expenses, and deductions
• Estate income, expenses, and deductions
• Farm income, expenses, and deductions
• Medical Expense deductions, including mileage deduction
• Rental Real Estate income, expenses, and deductions
• Sale of Home / 2nd Home/ Rental Property
Worksheet – Basis / Costs
increase and decrease calculations (Required by IRS)
• Small Business income, expenses, and deductions:
• LLC, Self-Employed, Independent Contractor, Business Owner
• 1099Misc,1099NEC, Form K-1
• Partnership
• C- Corporation
• S – Corporation
• Trust income, expenses, and deductions
• Other Worksheets
1. Prepaid Debit Card
2. Direct Deposit
3. Check
Is for clients who don’t have a traditional bank account in which to receive their tax refunds. The taxpayer doesn’t have to come back to the office to pick up a check. The prepaid card saves you time by eliminating the trip to cash a refund check, while giving you a secure and easy way to access your refund.
+ Get money quick (compared to direct deposit
or check)
+ No credit checks
+ No check cashing fees
+ Secure
+ Mobile App
Is an easy and convient way for you to
receive your refund as soon as it’s available.
A printed check from the tax office allows
you to access your money as soon
as you cash it.
With a Taxpayer Refund Advance Loan,you get the money you need fast. This valuable program gives you the flexibility you need to pay outstanding expenses without having to wait weeks for your refund to be processed. It gives you the edge you need to pay off bills.
With a Taxpayer Advance Loans (in-season) ,Tax Payers can receive a no-cost advance loanof
$250, $500, or $1,000.
Clients looking for higher advance amounts
$250 to $6000 can apply for
interest-bearing loans representing
25%, 50%, and 75% of their
expected tax refund.
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